Undergraduate Course
Traffic Simulation (交通仿真), Beihang University, Spring, 2018 - Present
Traffic Management and Control (交通管理与控制), Beihang University, Autumn, 2018 - Present
Comprehensive Traffic Experiments (交通综合实验), Beihang University, Autumn, 2014 - Present
Master Course
Traffic Information Collection and Integration (交通信息采集与集成,北航校级研究生精品课程), Beihang University, Autumn, 2015 - Present
Traffic Systems Analysis and Control (交通运输系统优化与控制,北航校级研究生精品国际引智课程),Beihang University, Spring, 2017 - Prensent
Comprehensive Traffic Experiments (交通综合实验),Beihang University, Spring, 2016 - Present